Reavis Development Marketing is an unrivaled powerhouse in the field of pre-construction marketing and new construction sales. With decades of expertise, our team boasts a formidable combination of talent, including an in-house creative agency, a dedicated media team with an influence of over 10M followers, and cutting-edge proprietary technology. With a track record of over $50 billion in sales and more than $10 billion in new development sales, we have solidified our position as the premier firm in the industry. Our extensive portfolio encompasses prominent locations such as New York, Miami, Los Angeles, New Jersey, Chicago, Texas, and Pennsylvania, as well as other desirable destinations.
Established in 1987, Wonder Works is a respected private development and construction firm based in New York City. It has earned an outstanding reputation over the last 30 plus years by building with integrity and quality. Wonder Works prides itself on efficient construction, proactive planning, and quick communication. Time after time, Wonder Works has created "win-win" situations with its partners and has delivered projects on time and on budget.